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All Course Results

No. Last Update Course SAM/Year View
1 30 Jan, 2020 Department of Beauty and Wellness 1 Show Result
2 25 May, 2021 Department of Computer Education 1 Show Result
3 23 Jul, 2022 Department of Fire and Safety Training 1 Show Result
4 12 May, 2021 Department of Hotel and Hospitality Management 4 Show Result
5 10 Jul, 2019 Department of Teacher Training 2 Show Result
6 25 May, 2022 Department of Fashion Design and Textile 1 Show Result
7 17 Feb, 2021 Department of Health and Paramedical 2 Show Result
8 17 Mar, 2021 Department of Industrial Training Institute (ITI) 4 Show Result
9 18 Dec, 2019 Department of Engineering and Technology 4 Show Result
10 22 Jun, 2022 Skill Education 1 Show Result